Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lost and Found, Part Tres: Just Ask

One of the things I hear over and over is those that do not attend Church for whatever reason have no desire or care to know about the Bible. They don't like Jesus and really don't like those that follow Him.

I found these following items interesting:
1) Almost 90 % of the unchurched 20 - 29 year olds said they would be willing to listen if someone wanted to tell them about Christianity.
2) 61 % would be willing to have a Bible study if a friend asked them to.
3) 46% said they would be willing to join a small group of people to learn more about the Bible and Jesus Christ.

I remember Jesus saying, "The fields are white for harvest." Maybe its time we get reaping?

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Personally, I found that since I've been outside of "the ministry" I've had much more opportunity to minister. When I can be about the business of meeting and living with people instead of overwhelmed with the busy-ness of programming church, I find so many people who are seeking God. There have been some awesome discussions in unlikely places with people I would have never guessed would be interested in Jesus. I think we need to follow the example of Christ and worry less about the big flashy programs and more about the intimate relationships which bring us into the lives of others. I could rattle off lots of examples of people who would never darken a church building door, but when we're hanging out in the backyard will ask, "So why do you believe in God?" or "Do you really believe all that Jesus stuff?" or "Are you, like, a Sarah Palin Christian?" (all real questions by the way). I agree that the fields are ready and sometimes the reaping will just fall right in our laps. We just need to slow down and find ways to catch it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have become such a HUGE Dustin Gist fan. Preach on, bro. You're such a light and an encouragement to many of us who are ministering in non-traditional settings. The change for me has been difficult in some ways, but completely eye-opening in others. The church (we) need voices like yours...and David Willy--same thing goes for YOU! Your conversations are a real encouragement to me.
