Thursday, January 6, 2011

Freedom To Choose

I'm a rather impulsive person. I have a bad habit of not thinking things through. My next few blog posts will be centered around the choices we make.

Webster's dictionary defines choice as, "the opportunity, right, or power to choose; freedom of action; the act of selecting from alternatives."

Everyday we are forced with making choices, and I believe for so many of us we do not think about the impact of our choices.

J.K. Rowling says this about our choices; "It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

I agree with Ms. Rowling, I believe our choices shape who we are as people.

Mark 4:1-9 will be our focus for this series. This passage is a familiar passage to most. This is the section that deals with the four soils and the Sower. The Sower in this passage is symbolic of God and the different soils represent us. I believe that we have the opportunity to choose which soil we are. You may disagree with me and that's okay but I believe that you can only be one. I know there are people that will say some days I am this and other days I am this. I believe you can only be one of the soils.

The reason why I believe that you can only be one is in Revelation 3:15-22 Jesus describes the Church in Laodicea as lukewarm and tells them since they're this way He's going to spit them out. The word "spit" means: to vomit, hurling, gagging,or retching.

I believe if you say one day your this kind of soil and the next day you say your another, then I see this as lukewarm and being lukewarm gives Jesus an upset stomach and His only option is to vomit.

I want to encourage you to begin reading the text from Mark 9. Next week we will look at the first soil mentioned: The Road.

Have a great week and may the Lord bless you and keep you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yayy! You're back! Your internte presence was sorely missed! I'm glad you unzipped and rejoined the digital age. Plus you come back strong quoting the Bible and Harry Potter!?! You rock!
