Thursday, February 3, 2011

Choke Artist

I hope that you have been reading Mark 4 and looking at the different soils that Jesus talks about. As I have said before, I do not believe this is an either/or choice.

Today we will look at the third soil. This is the soil where I believe most of us are. Jesus describes this soil as thorny ground.

The Palestinian farmer would cut off the top of the fibrous rooted weeds; he even burned of the top; and the field might look clean; but below the surface the roots were still there; and in due time the weeds were revived in all their strength. These weeds would grow with such rapidity that they would choke the life out of the seed.

It so easy to pack so many things in our schedule that Christ and His Word get choked out. Honestly take a look at your schedule today and see how much stuff you have going on. When is the last time you made "time" in your day to read, pray, or serve? I don't like using the phrase "make time" because serving Christ should be who we are. But some of us need to practice "making time" for Christ.

We are a people consumed with wanting more. The more I have the better I am. When we are driven by this desire to want more what we are really doing is choking Christ out of our life.

More stuff doesn't give us a better life. Having more Christ is how to have a great life. Don't be tricked by Satan in getting caught up in the "more stuff" lie. Satan wants you to choke Christ out of your life.

Some of you are breathing your last breath because your stuff is choking you and Christ is slowly leaving you. My encouragement for you is to stop being a Choke Artist and desire to want to have more Christ and less stuff.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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