Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Eyes

I am getting old. The reason why I say this is because my eye sight is getting bad. Every Sunday I do the announcements at the end of our morning assembly and I have to squint to read the items on the power point and at night when I lay in bed the TV is blurry, and I have a hard time seeing it. I guess I need new eyes.

I think there are many of us Christ followers that need new eyes. How often do we pass judgement on the person who is fresh out of jail? How often do we make off color comments about homosexuals? The list can go on and on and on.

My point is, as followers of Jesus Christ we need to be looking through His eyes. When we look through the eyes of Christ, the person out of jail is no longer a bad person, he is a person in need of the Good News. When we look through the eyes of Christ, the homosexual is no longer the object of off colored comments. He is a person in need of the Good News.

In Matthew 9:36 the Gospel writer tells us that Jesus felt compassion and was distressed and dispirited because the people look liked sheep without a Shepherd.

I want eyes like Christ. How about you?

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you.

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