Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kill Me!

"The problem with Christians today is that no one wants to kill them anymore." Jamie Buckingham

If your like me when you read this quote it makes you say, "WOW!" But the more I thought about this quote, I agree with it. I think that it would be safe to say that Christians are not sticking out in the world. How many people at your job know you're a Christian? How many people at your school know you're a Christian? How many people that you come in contact with during the day know you're a follower of Christ? We have allowed Satan to keep us from being the aroma of Christ to the world. We let people tell us we cannot pray in school or wear clothing that has Jesus "stuff" on it. We are so worried about offending people that we will not stand up for what is right, moral, and Godly.

In the Gospel of Matthew followers of Christ are called "salt" and "light." When I hear those words it tells me that I am suppose to be different that I'm suppose to stick out because of my relationship with Jesus. Are you sticking out? Can people tell that you're different? Do people want to kill you because of your relationship with Jesus?

I don't know about you but my attitude today is this, "Kill Me!" I want to leave you with this:

"The Church is the one institution that exists for those outside it." William Tyndale

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


  1. Good post. I agree, Christianity really flourishes under persecution and gets complacent and contentious during times of blessing. Sometimes I think that is what the chaos of the end days are all about—uniting the church and getting rid of all the petty arguing. My children get along so much better when I'm being hard on them and they feel mistreated.

    By the way, all of MY co-workers know I'm a Christian. The person tailgating me on the freeway is in the dark about it though.

  2. This is probably one of the reasons that so much of current growth in Christianity is taking place in places where it is illegal. It's one thing to profess your faith on a bumper sticker but quite another to give up your livelihood, business or endanger the safety of yourself or your family.
    I always say that when you have to sneak to church in fear of your life, you don't really care whether it has a kitchen/projection screen/praise team/(insert controversial item here!

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  5. Doesn't really work with the whole "prosperity gospel" that the Osteens of the world preach, does it?
