Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get Out Of My Room!

And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their region. Matthew 8:34

"Get out of my room!" I can promise you without a doubt that this phrase will be shouted and echo through my house at least once a day. It usually comes from my 13 year old shouting it at the top of her lungs to my 8 year old.

I have been reading through the Gospel of Matthew and as I was reading the above passage made my eyes bug out. How could an entire city beg for Jesus to get out of their city. Have they not seen some of the things that He has been doing? Do they not understand who He is? Just in Chapter 8 alone the following has happened; cleansing of a leper, healing of the Centurion's servant, Peter's mother-in-law healed, calms a storm, and heals two demon-possessed men. Why did they want Him to leave?

And then these thoughts came to my mind: "Are we any different?" "Is the Church any different?" How often do we tell Jesus to leave? I think if were honest with our self we ask Him to get out of our rooms quite often. I believe the Church is more concerned with what they want instead of wanting what Jesus wants. If you don't believe me how many Churches do you know who put their traditions or heritages above and before the Word of God? I believe most Christians are good followers of Jesus until He calls them to go a certain way they do not want to go. If you don't believe me how many Christians do you know who are comfortable and have become complacent in their Walk?

My challenge is this; "Don't tell Jesus to get out of your room."

I leave you with this tweet I read by David Platt, "If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the Church today, 95% of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference."

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


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  3. Why would they beg Jesus to leave?!? Because, for all the good He offered, having Jesus cost more than they wanted to pay. Getting rid of the darkness can mean getting rid of the things that we hold to and value most. The swine was probably a big source of income, and that was a big blow to the region. Did Jesus do a great thing by casting out the demon? Sure, but that is not what mattered most to them.

    carrying our cross can be challenging at times when we value things other than what Jesus brings to our lives. I am afraid I still tell Jesus get out when I don't want to let go. Praise God He is still reaching out.

    Thank you for the reminder, Dustin.
